Beyond Work
Welcome to the "Beyond Work" section of my professional website, where I share a glimpse into my life outside of the office. This space is dedicated to showcasing my passions, hobbies, and interests that not only shape who I am as a person, but also inform and enrich my professional endeavors.
Beyond my professional life, I'm a product of my upbringing in Sonoma County, the heart of Wine Country. This environment, where wine is cherished and revered, endowed me with an understanding of what it takes to create a good wine. As such, I've become an avid wine connoisseur, a passion that continues to this day. The beauty of Lake Sonoma was my playground growing up, and the thrill of waterskiing there is an experience I treasure. My family's frequent trips to San Francisco introduced me to a world of culture, food, and fun that I continue to savor. Strolling around Pier 39, taking in the latest movies at the IMAX theater, and spending leisurely days at Golden Gate Park were some of the experiences that have enriched my life and broadened my perspective.

Sports have always played a pivotal role in my life. As a dedicated fan of the Golden State Warriors and San Francisco 49ers, I've weathered the storms and savored the victories. Seeing the Warriors' current dynasty run, after enduring many years of their losing streaks, has been a particularly sweet experience. My passion for sports isn't limited to being a spectator. In high school, I was honored to serve as the captain of the Windsor Jaguars' Varsity Basketball team, an experience that nurtured my leadership skills. Beyond sports, my formative years were also enriched by being selected for Boys State, a program that provided a unique insight into the workings of government. When I graduated high school, I proudly held a 4.2 GPA.
My academic journey then led me to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo where I majored in Statistics and minored in Psychology. The breathtaking beauty of the SLO made hiking Bishop's Peak a frequent pleasure, and it was nice that the ocean was so close. College also brought me many lifelong friendships. Today, I'm the commissioner of our fantasy football league, a role that allows us to stay connected, meet up annually, and cherish old memories.

After college, I spent five years in Monterey, CA, working for Northrop Grumman. As a golf enthusiast, living in Monterey was a dream come true—I even had the opportunity to attend the 2010 US Open at Pebble Beach! Beyond golf, I relished in the natural beauty of Monterey, often starting my days with walks to the beach or runs along the coast. I continued my passion for basketball, participating in a league at the Naval Postgraduate School, and led my teams to several championships. The Monterey Bay Aquarium, with its awe-inspiring displays, was a regular visit.

A shift in my personal life led me to Denver, CO. Although the relationship that brought me there didn't last, I believe everything happens for a reason, and I'm grateful for the journey. Professionally, I joined Comcast West Division and later had the opportunity to work as a Data Scientist for a startup company called Switch Automation. Denver was also where I met my wife. We married on June 7, 2020, at the peak of the pandemic, deciding to elope on top of Grays Peak! This unique wedding earned us 15 minutes of fame, with mentions by the Denver Post, Denver's Mayor, and Governor Polis.
From exploring the great outdoors to indulging in creative pursuits, I believe that the experiences we cultivate beyond our work environment contribute to a well-rounded, balanced life, ultimately making us better professionals and team players.
Thank you for taking the time to delve into my life beyond work. I believe these experiences have shaped me, fueling my creativity, determination, and passion, which I bring into my professional endeavors.